Lib Dems blast Harrogate's record on carbon emissions

Coun Pat Marsh, Liberal Democrat Leader on Harrogate Borough Council, said: Were calling for the Government to give local authorities more powers to take action on carbon emissions."Coun Pat Marsh, Liberal Democrat Leader on Harrogate Borough Council, said: Were calling for the Government to give local authorities more powers to take action on carbon emissions."
Coun Pat Marsh, Liberal Democrat Leader on Harrogate Borough Council, said: Were calling for the Government to give local authorities more powers to take action on carbon emissions."
The Liberal Democrats are calling for greater powers for Harrogate Borough Council to take stronger action on carbon emissions after they said figures showed progress to cut emissions across the UK had stalled since 2016.

In Harrogate district emissions have fallen from 1,140.6 to 1,081.1kt CO2 — not even fast enough to achieve Net Zero Emissions by 2050, say the Lib Dems.

Highlighting the need for “bold action”, the Liberal Democrats are calling on the Government to grant more powers to local authorities to tackle climate change, and for the districts’ two local authorities to declare a Climate Emergency and commit to net zero carbon by 2030.

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